15 research outputs found

    Stereo based 3d head pose tracking using the scale invariant feature transform

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    In this thesis a new stereo-based 3D head tracking technique, based on scale invariant feature transform (SIFT) features, that is robust to illumination changes is proposed. Also two major tracking techniques, one based on normal flow constraints (NFC) and a 3D registration-based method, based on iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm, are reviewed and compared against the proposed technique. A 3D head tracker is very important for many vision applications. The resulting tracker output parameters can be used to generate a stabilized view of the face that can be used as input to many existing 2D techniques such as facial expression analysis, lip reading, eye tracking, and face recognition. Our system can automatically initialize using a simple 2D face detector. We extract salient points from the intensity images using SIFT features and match them between frames. Together with the depth image and the matched features we obtain 3D correspondences. Using the unit quaternion method, we recover the 3D motion parameters. Our proposed method outperforms both NFC and ICP on translations; and performs as good as NFC on rotations. Experimentally, the proposed system is less likely to drift than NFC and ICP over long sequences and is robust to illumination changes. We present experiments to test the accuracy of our SIFT-based 3D tracker on sequences of synthetic and real stereo images

    3D head tracking using normal flow constraints in a vehicle environment

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    Head tracking is a key component in applications such as human computer interaction, person monitoring, driver monitoring, video conferencing, and object-based compression. The motion of a driver’s head can tell us a lot about his/her mental state; e.g. whether he/she is drowsy, alert, aggressive, comfortable, tense, distracted, etc. This paper reviews an optical flow based method to track the head pose, both orientation and position, of a person and presents results from real world data recorded in a car environment

    Ölçekten bağımsız öznitelik dönüşümü kullanarak stereo kamera ile üç boyutlu kafa takibi = Stereo based 3D head pose tracking using the scale invariant feature transform

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    Bu makalede üç boyutlu kafa takibi için ölçekten ba˘gımsız öznitelik dönüşümünne (SIFT) dayalı bir yöntem önerilmektedir. 3B kafa takibi bir c¸ok bilgisayarla görme uygulaması için önemli bir ön işlemdir. Önerilen yöntemin, düzlem dışı öteleme ve dönmelere karşı gürbüz olduğu belirlenmis¸ aynı zamanda görüntüdeki ani değişen aydınlanma farklarından da etkilenmediği gözlenmiştir. Kafa takibi ile elde edilebilecek dönmeye göre düzeltilmiş bir imge ile yüz tanıması, ifade analizi, dudak okuması gibi problemleri çözmek daha kolay olacaktır. Önerdiğimiz SIFT tabanlı yöntemin başarısını sentetik ve stereo kamera ile çekilmiş gerçek görüntüler üzerinde deneyip var olan diğer yöntemlerle karşılaştırmasını yaptık. In this paper a new stereo-based 3D head tracking technique, based on scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) features is proposed. A 3D head tracker is very important preprocessing for many vision applications. The proposed method is robust to out of plane rotations and translations and also invariant to sudden changes in time varying illumination. We present experiments to test the accuracy of our SIFT based 3D tracker on sequences of synthetic and real stereo images

    Planning and Sequencing Through Multimodal Interaction for Robot Programming

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    Over the past few decades the use of industrial robots has increased the efficiency as well as the competitiveness of several sectors. Despite this fact, in many cases robot automation investments are considered to be technically challenging. In addition, for most small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) this process is associated with high costs. Due to their continuously changing product lines, reprogramming costs are likely to exceed installation costs by a large margin. Furthermore, traditional programming methods of industrial robots are too complex for most technicians or manufacturing engineers, and thus assistance from a robot programming expert is often needed. The hypothesis is that in order to make the use of industrial robots more common within the SME sector, the robots should be reprogrammable by technicians or manufacturing engineers rather than robot programming experts. In this thesis, a novel system for task-level programming is proposed. The user interacts with an industrial robot by giving instructions in a structured natural language and by selecting objects through an augmented reality interface. The proposed system consists of two parts: (i) a multimodal framework that provides a natural language interface for the user to interact in which the framework performs modality fusion and semantic analysis, (ii) a symbolic planner, POPStar, to create a time-efficient plan based on the user's instructions. The ultimate goal of this work in this thesis is to bring robot programming to a stage where it is as easy as working together with a colleague.This thesis mainly addresses two issues. The first issue is a general framework for designing and developing multimodal interfaces. The general framework proposed in this thesis is designed to perform natural language understanding, multimodal integration and semantic analysis with an incremental pipeline. The framework also includes a novel multimodal grammar language, which is used for multimodal presentation and semantic meaning generation. Such a framework helps us to make interaction with a robot easier and more natural. The proposed language architecture makes it possible to manipulate, pick or place objects in a scene through high-level commands. Interaction with simple voice commands and gestures enables the manufacturing engineer to focus on the task itself, rather than the programming issues of the robot. The second issue addressed is due to inherent characteristics of communication with the use of natural language; instructions given by a user are often vague and may require other actions to be taken before the conditions for applying the user's instructions are met. In order to solve this problem a symbolic planner, POPStar, based on a partial order planner (POP) is proposed. The system takes landmarks extracted from user instructions as input, and creates a sequence of actions to operate the robotic cell with minimal makespan. The proposed planner takes advantage of the partial order capabilities of POP to execute actions in parallel and employs a best-first search algorithm to seek the series of actions that lead to a minimal makespan. The proposed planner can also handle robots with multiple grippers, parallel machines as well as scheduling for multiple product types

    Human Robot Interaction Solutions for Intuitive Industrial Robot Programming

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    Over the past few decades the use of industrial robots has increased the efficiency as well as competitiveness of many companies. Despite this fact, in many cases, robot automation investments are considered to be technically challenging. In addition, for most small and medium sized enterprises (SME) this process is associated with high costs. Due to their continuously changing product lines, reprogramming costs are likely to exceed installation costs by a large margin. Furthermore, traditional programming methods for industrial robots are too complex for an inexperienced robot programmer, thus assistance from a robot programming expert is often needed.  We hypothesize that in order to make industrial robots more common within the SME sector, the robots should be reprogrammable by technicians or manufacturing engineers rather than robot programming experts. In this thesis we propose a high-level natural language framework for interacting with industrial robots through an instructional programming environment for the user.  The ultimate goal of this thesis is to bring robot programming to a stage where it is as easy as working together with a colleague.In this thesis we mainly address two issues. The first issue is to make interaction with a robot easier and more natural through a multimodal framework. The proposed language architecture makes it possible to manipulate, pick or place objects in a scene through high level commands. Interaction with simple voice commands and gestures enables the manufacturing engineer to focus on the task itself, rather than programming issues of the robot. This approach shifts the focus of industrial robot programming from the coordinate based programming paradigm, which currently dominates the field, to an object based programming scheme.The second issue addressed is a general framework for implementing multimodal interfaces. There have been numerous efforts to implement multimodal interfaces for computers and robots, but there is no general standard framework for developing them. The general framework proposed in this thesis is designed to perform natural language understanding, multimodal integration and semantic analysis with an incremental pipeline and includes a novel multimodal grammar language, which is used for multimodal presentation and semantic meaning generation.robot colleague projec

    Bir İletişim Türü Olarak Yazılı İletişim: Üniversite Öğrencilerinin Mektuplarına Yönelik Nitel Bir İnceleme

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    Mektuplar tür olarak, kurgusal olmaması ve gerçek hayat hikâyeleri içeren güvenli veriler sunması nedeniyle sosyal bilimler alanında çok değerli psikanalitik materyallerle alan araştırmacılarının dikkatini çekmektedir. Bu çalışma T.C. Darulaceze Başkanlığı bünyesinde bakım hizmeti alan yaşlı sakinlerle Ege Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Halkla İlişkiler ve Tanıtım Bölümü öğrencilerinin mektuplarını ele alarak en çok hangi metaforların kullanıldığını, en çok hangi konulardan ve aile üyelerinden bahsedildiğini, hangi duygulara odaklanıldığını ve son olarak kadın ve erkek öğrencilerin yaklaşım farklılıklarını analiz etmektedir. Çalışmada, ele alınan 437 mektup dijital ortama aktarılarılıp Maxqda 2018 programı kullanılarak kodlanmış, betimsel ve içerik analizleri gerçekleştirilmiş ve art alanda var olan eğilimler ve gömülü bağlantılar bulunmuştur. Analizlerde öğrencilerin iç benliklerine ilişkin ayrıntılara girmeyip daha çok günlük hayatlarıyla ilgili betimlemelere başvurdukları görülmüştür. Pozitif duyguların negatif duygulardan iki kat fazla olduğunun belirlendiği araştırmada özellikle psikolojik faktörlerin bedensel rahatsızlıklarla veya iyi oluşla betimlenmesi ve hobi edinme konusunda çok az mesajın olması dikkat çekicidir

    Rich (New) Media Poor Activism Debates on Activism Movements in New Media

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    ###EgeUn###The convergence of the Internet and the media has enormously transformed the way in which the communication and interaction potential not only of the people, but also of the machines with their surroundings, and expanded their forms of participation. While the new media, which is the result of this convergence, has come to the forefront with its functional benefits as a catalyst such as information searching, expressing ideas, socializing and entertainment, its transformational role on media literacy and communication behaviours should also not be overlooked. Today, it is not difficult to predict that this transformational role will have much wider effects considering that people from every generation are heavy new media users and that even offline world interactions are virtual. In this study, we thought that it is vital to investigate how the activism ability of humans that made them the subject of their era will be transformed with the new media and what the effects will be, especially in the light of ideological theories. Therefore, by studying the effects of the new media within the scope of activism, we tried to present the new media-activism relations, new types of digital activism, differences between these types and discussions under different perspectives. In this study, which tries to shed light on the effect of online cyber activism on real-life activism, firstly cyber activism types were gathered under a typology and then discussions on these types were tried to be presented with the interpretations of two different fronts. The discussions between 'media carta' approach, which sees the new media as the new tool of democratization and points out to its success on recent international examples, and 'slacktivism' approach claiming that cyber activism creates a sense of misunderstanding and undermines real-life activism were interpreted